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O Clonazepam é usado para prevenir e controlar as crises convulsivas. Este medicamento é conhecido como anticonvulsivantes ou antiepilépticos droga. Ele também é usado para tratar a síndrome do pânico. Clonazepam obras, acalmando o seu cérebro e os nervos. Ele pertence a uma classe de medicamentos chamados de benzodiazepinas.

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Categoria: analgésicos
Codeine (Phosphate) 15mg pills/tablets: Codeine (Phosphate) treats pain or cough. This medicine is a narcotic pain medicine and cough reliever. You can buy Codeine (Phosphate) 15mg tablets online without prescription (No RX).
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Fosfato de codeína teva 60mg (substância activa: fosfato de codeína) é um analgésico: um medicamento que combate a dor. Ela ajuda a bloquear ou reduzir o acesso a dor sensações no cérebro, causando sintomas dolorosos para diminuir ou desaparecer

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Codogesic (Codeine Phosphate) 15mg pills/tablets: Codogesic (Codeine Phosphate) treats pain or cough. This medicine is a narcotic pain medicine and cough reliever. You can buy generic Codeine Codogesic 15mg tablets online without prescription (No RX).
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Darvocet A500 (Acetaminophen & Propoxyphene) 100/500mg pills/tablets: Darvocet A500: Propoxyphene is in a group of drugs called narcotic pain relievers. Acetaminophen is a less potent pain reliever and a fever reducer that increases the effects of propoxyphene. The combination of acetaminophen and propoxyphene is used to relieve mild to moderate pain with or without fever. You can buy Darvocet A500 (Acetaminophen & Propoxyphene) 100/500mg tablets online without prescription (No RX) .
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Demerol (Meperidine HCL) 100mg pills/tablets: Demerol (Meperidine HCL) treats pain. This medicine is a narcotic pain reliever. You can buy Demerol (Meperidine HCL) 100mg tablets online without prescription (No RX).
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Desoxyn 5mg é usado para tratar déficit de atenção e hiperatividade – TDAH. Ele funciona alterando as quantidades de certas substâncias naturais no cérebro. A metanfetamina pertence a uma classe de medicamentos conhecidos como estimulantes.


Dexedrine, a brand name stimulant drug, is used for the treatment of several different medical issues from ADHD to narcolepsy.

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Categoria: analgésicos
Dilaudid (Hydromorphone HCL) 8mg pills/tablets: Dilaudid (Hydromorphone HCL) treats moderate to severe chronic pain. This medicine is a narcotic analgesic. You can buy Dilaudid online (Hydromorphone HCL) 8mg tablets without prescription (No RX).
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