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Klonazepam brukes til å forebygge og kontrollere anfall. Denne medisinen er kjent som en antikonvulsive eller antiepileptika. Det er også brukt til å behandle panikkanfall. Klonazepam virker ved å beroligende hjernen og nervene. Det tilhører en gruppe legemidler som kalles benzodiazepiner.
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Codeine (Phosphate) treats pain or cough. This medicine is a narcotic pain medicine and cough reliever.
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Kategori: smertelindring
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Codogesic (Codeine Phosphate) treats pain or cough. This medicine is a narcotic pain medicine and cough reliever.
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Hvordan du bruker Kodein Fosfat Tabletter (PSM)der antall er: 100 pille
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Kategori: smertelindring
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Darvocet A500: Propoxyphene is in a group of drugs called narcotic pain relievers. Acetaminophen is a less potent pain reliever and a fever reducer that increases the effects of propoxyphene. The combination of acetaminophen and propoxyphene is used to relieve mild to moderate pain with or without fever.
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Demerol (Meperidine HCL) 100mg
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Kategori: smertelindring
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Demerol (Meperidine HCL) treats pain. This medicine is a narcotic pain reliever.
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Desoxyn 5 mg (Metamfetamin Hcl
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Desoxyn 5 mg brukes for å behandle adhd – ADHD. Det fungerer ved å endre mengder av visse naturlige stoffer i hjernen. Metamfetamin tilhører en gruppe legemidler kjent som sentralstimulerende midler.
€250.00 – €3,500.00
Dilaudid (Hydromorphone HCL) 8 mg
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Kategori: smertelindring
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Dilaudid (Hydromorphone HCL) treats moderate to severe chronic pain. This medicine is a narcotic analgesic.
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