α-PVP (full name is:α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone) also known as alpha-pyrrolidinovalerophenone, A-PVP, alpha-PVP, O-2387, APVP,,PVP,β-ketone-prolintane, Prolintanone). it is a synthetic stimulant drug of the cathinone class developed in the 1960s sometimes called flakka or gravel.
Alpha-PVP也被称为 一个-可, is a powerful stimulant and it is usually taken for achieving euphoria. it is a synthetic stimulant drug of the cathinone.
α-PVP is chemically related to pyrovalerone and is the ketone analog of prolintane,and it is often used as a recreational drug, and is considered a Schedule I drug under the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act.
Pyrovalerone is an inhibitor of the transporters for certain monoamine neurotransmitters, including dopamine and norepinephrine, preventing their uptake.1,2 α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone (hydrochloride) is an analog of pyrovalerone, lacking only the methyl group that is found on the phenyl moiety of pyrovalerone. Like pyrovalerone, this compound is expected to be a psychoactive stimulant. This product is intended for forensic applications.
a-PVP or Alpha-PVP smoking
它可以使用混合用其他物质。 此外,它还可以吸入或口头消耗根据剂量和消费。 它建议不要
a-PVP or Alpha-PVP dosage(& Usage)
的剂量范围为10至25毫克是经常采取研究员。 4-5mg是threashold,感觉的5-10毫是光,10-25mg是共同的,上述25mg,感觉会很强。
Alpha-可是类似于可卡因与较小的效力。 它迅速溶解在用户的地方就在舌头下,但他/她可能会遇到麻木的感觉。 兴奋套在慢慢地,约30分钟后消费。 麻木在舌头下有一个温和的增加血压和完全没有希望的饮用水。
之后大约45分钟的消耗、温和的刺激感受到和消费者可能会觉得昏昏欲睡。 所有的效果最后只有3小时和用户甚至可能不会觉得敦促消费的另一种剂量。
注入的方法使得用户经验的一个愉悦的感觉很长一段时间。 这是很难确定其效力,因为一些消费者得到受影响非常缓慢,当他们享受这种方法。 它的工作立即从它进入消费者的鼻子。 国家兴奋的是实现在10分钟内消费。 停电的感觉频繁。 和一个小时一个人感到困。
高引起的感觉时你买Alpha–让使用它的持续时间不长。 一些用户要求,消费水晶形式是更好的比吸烟,因为它不燃烧他们的鼻子。 此外,其他人已经differentexperiences.一个压倒性的经历仅仅持续3小时的消费欲望到另一个剂量取决于消费者的历史上有这样的兴奋剂。
最重要的作用,这种药物是,它可以提高创新能力的用户。 其他影响包括一种极端的幸福和一个高水平的能源。 消费者的身体放松没有渴望的食物。
本月早些时候TPR指出,一个相对较新的第二代浴盐叫"石"据报告,已经出现在各种美国部分地区,包括田纳西州。 作为背景,而第一代浴盐—。。和甲氧麻黄酮被禁止在许多法域中,新的类似物已经引入替换他们,仍然一般法律。 样本中的"石"中所包含α-可,模拟的。. 它似乎产生令人印象深刻度的偏执狂。 一些样品中的药物被掺假的与甲基苯丙胺和/或氯硝西泮.
这个目前的研究仅在网上公布是这样一个及时和重要贡献,有助于理解这个新的药物。 使用体内和外鼠模型,作者设法比较的影响。与其类似物,包括α-戏。
Like MDPV, α-PVP contains a pyrrolidine ring, a 5-sided nitrogen-containing component that enables the molecule to effectively block reuptake of dopamαine and norepinephrine, with much weaker effects at the serotonin transporter.
In rats, α-PVP produced evidence of psychomotor stimulation, with higher doses causing hyperactivity and bizarre behavior. A dopamine antagonist blocked much of the motor hyperactivity.
Although I tend to shy away from rat studies, I found this one important because it is one of the first studies of the effects of α-PVP (aka “gravel”).
aPVP (alpha-PVP) vs. MDPV comparison:
These are two very similar chemicals in structure, based on pyrovalerone and resembling non-identical twins in their nature, or a “female” vs. “male” mallard duck… however, they both walk, look and quack like a duck, not a duck/crow (as an example) **.
Also, my qualifications: Regular and in-depth experience with MDPV practically since the day it came out in the early-mid 2000’s, and a recent introduction to aPVP via a well-trusted and reliable source.
MDPV (odor): Mild “pyrrolidine” type odor (like smelly sweat-socks).
A-PVP: Heavier (moderate) “pyrrolidine” type odor.
MDPV (solubility): Dissolves in H2O with difficulty, mild “pyrrolidine” type odor in solution.
A-PVP: Dissolves readily, heavier (moderate) “pyrrolidine” type odor in solution.
MDPV (smokeability): Vapes somewhat uncleanly, mild to moderate harshness/odor.
A-PVP: Vapes very easily/cleanly, moderate to heavy harshness/odor.
MDPV (onset and duration): Slow to medium onset of effects, lesser dosage needed, greater duration.
A-PVP: Rapid onset of effects (all tested ROA’s), 1/4 to 1/3 greater dosage needed, lesser duration.
Summary (useful info): a-PVP vapes better than MDPV, but is harder on the lungs and harsher. Effects come on faster, but last a shorter period of time and more is needed than with MDPV. A “rush” is possible/likely with a-PVP (particularly if smoked or injected), and unlikely with MDPV.
The “highs” are otherwise quite similar — plain old NDRI (norepinephrine/dopamine) reuptake inhibition and stimulation with varying/unpredictable euphoria, an increase in sexual tendencies and unpleasant tweaking at higher dosages.
APVP “feels like” a cruder, harsher and less sophisticated (but faster-acting and smoother burning) version of MDPV. MDPV is like “high end/fancy/fussy” and aPVP is “low end, poor man, easy-going” version of the same thing.
鉴于更快地开始和持续时间较短的效果,这可能是一个-可将更为强迫性的比。通过迅速起ROA的(吸烟,砰的一声关上),但这可能需要更长的时间来把握和更容易/短衰落时的用户恢复的意志力。 者为status.net可能会遇到的肺损伤/痛苦-可(暂时的,最有可能的,但谁知道). 它是可能的(从我的研究,包括接触有一个专业的来源,表明它),a-可降低/失去效力基本上快过。,是否在解决方案,或者没有,因此在储存更多的是一个因素。
a-PVP or Alpha-PVP for sale
你可以 Buy Alpha-PVP in best-feel.com online in select countries, depending on its legality. Our company is one of biggest suppliers in the market of designer drugs in China, we always provice the top quality products with the best prices!
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