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活性成分的这种药物是一个最重要的药品在增加骨骼肌张力(痉挛). 它是在1962年的第一次,现在是包括在很多的药物。 他通常是很好忍受的,可能会导致疲劳感和胃肠道症状在罕见的情况下,但是。 儿童和孕妇女应该采取这种药物之后才咨询医生。 在这里,你可以读一切关于这种药物.
人类的骨骼肌肉被激或抑制某些化学品的使者(神经递质). 通常情况下,这些使者被释放根据外部情况。 一个具体的化学品的使者,称为γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)是主要的抑制神经中枢神经系统(大脑和脊髓). GABA 提供除其他外睡觉和肌肉松弛并抑制的肌肉痉挛。
在疾病或受伤的神经系统控制的平衡感到不安和GABA有时不够有效。 其结果是:神经系统是hyperexcitable,并可能有多发性硬化症和痉挛(不自然的,耐药菌株的肌肉)
活性成分的巴氯芬合一个特定的停靠站点的GABA在(GABA B受体)和模仿的效果。 这种受体是具体负责肌肉紧张。 因此,有一个放宽受影响的肌肉痉挛得到缓和。
活性成分的这种药物正在迅速,几乎完全吸收从肠进入血液。 然而,数量的这种药物,到达实地行动(中枢神经系统),相对较低。 对于非常严重痉挛的药物,因此(流体在脑子)直接引入的脑脊液流体,从而高浓度,可以实现在网站上。
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How Baclofen is used
Normally occupied Baclofen in the form of tablets. For better tolerability of the drug should be taken with a meal. In case of severe symptoms Baclofen can also be introduced as an infusion directly into the cerebrospinal fluid of the brain.
The Baclofen dosage in adults is a maximum of 75 milligrams daily (rarely up to 120 milligrams). This amount should be achieved by slowly increasing the dose, whereby an individual dose must be found for each treated. It usually starts with five milligrams three times a day and then increasing the dose until the symptoms have improved significantly.
Children and young people receive a reduced dose.
Normally it is in the treatment with the drug Baclofen to a long-term treatment. The discontinuation of the drug must be “tapered off”. This means that you have to reduce the dose over a period of about two to three weeks gradually.
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Especially at the beginning of treatment may cause side effects such as Baclofen gastrointestinal problems, fatigue or drowsiness (daytime).
What should be considered when taking Baclofen?
The drug should be used with caution when the patient is suffering from renal impairment, severe mental illness or acute confusion states. This is especially true if a poisoning with alcohol or sleeping pills is present.
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