Our customers are aware that SafeMediStore. strives to improve every step of the pharmaceutical business. This section provides general information on our company. SafeMediStore . has proved its reliability and safety, working at «pharmaceutical market» since 2003. One of the most urgent problems in online pharmacy business is the quality of the meds being sold; we have negotiated this hurdle by initiating the procedure of «Three-Step Quality Check» (TSQC), where the first quality check is carried out by the manufacturer, the second — by our own and the third by the independent experts.
Our Team

Our suppliers are large, respected drug manufacturers located in India. Our company objective is to sell high quality medications only at affordable prices, and to satisfy as many customers as we can. That is why we offer lower prices compared to the other merchants. Special-terms sales are always available for our regular customers, so the more you shop with us, the more money you save!
As the professional merchant-customer interaction is important for our company, we pay much attention to our support services, and always try to minimize the response time for the inquiries. Our customers are not simply statistical units for us; each one is the individual! This defines the consumer policy of our company! In order to provide proper customer support service we have developed our own support ticket system. Numerous support operators are working with our customers providing the exact answers to the customers’ questions the whole year without any holidays or weekends, 24/7.
While shopping at SafeMediStore . you are complete safe. We perform hundreds of transactions every day, and that forces us to make our transaction gateways as secure as possible. All order pages are SSL secured, which means you may be absolutely sure that your payments are protected by the highest quality security system. We totally realize that we are responsible for your money.
Best regards,

1) Customer sends his/her order to SafeMediStore
2) 客户收到订单确认电子邮件,其中包含付款详情
3) 客户为订单付款
4) 工作人员收到订单并核实付款
5) 工作人员将订单转给运输部门
6) 发货部门包装包裹,并通过承运商发送到客户地址
7) 将包裹交付给客户